Sorry didn't see the reply notification email. have to test it on a big fast download which means finding a downloader to download something at that speed. Well you have to fart with it but my old pc is a dinosaur. The new win 10 install wouldn't recognize it even with the drivers put in. So in the end i tried a new fresh win 10 install on another drive. I use an old pc so i got a couple of bsods i thought must be linked to it and looked at the minidump analysis. Tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it. I tried the drivers but there is only 2012 win 8 beta drivers for it. It would work for bit then drop down til it lost connection then reconnect. Any heavy downloading would make it do it again and again. It would max out at just under 4 mbs and then start to decrease til the Led light froze or went off completely. My old tl wn821n v3 usb stick adapter started doing the same thing about thursday last week.