Ck2 holy fury glitch coat of arms
Ck2 holy fury glitch coat of arms

  • Added Great Tribal Festival decision, giving additional flavor to tribal rulers in general and allowing tribal unreformed pagans with a non-violent way to increase Moral Authority.
  • Added Mass Conversion decision for powerful unreformed pagan tribal rulers, allowing them to seek a sponsor from an organized religion in order to convert their subjects and provinces, as well as receive special advantages.
  • Added Sway and Antagonize decisions and events, allowing rulers to increase or reduce another character's opinion by focusing for an extended period of time on him.
  • Added option for powerful Christian rulers to have their heir baptized by a powerful theocrat or religious head, granting them a special trait.
  • Added Coronation decision for Catholic Kings and Emperors, requiring them to seek their religious head or a powerful Bishop in their realm in order to receive legitimacy to rule.
  • Fourth Crusade / Crusade for Constantinople.
  • Added Forge Bloodline Ambition, allowing Prestigious high tier rulers to create their own custom Bloodline.
  • Added Sainthood, which posthumously grants a character beloved by the Pope with a bloodline.
  • Added ways to gain bloodlines for heroic deeds.
  • Added a large number of historical bloodlines such as Charlemagne's, Genghis Khan's, and various nation builders.
  • Added a bloodline system, in which your famous ancestors can affect how people see you.
  • Added possibility to access special effects and flavor by combining synergic Doctrines when customizing a religion.
  • Added reformed versions for the Bon and Hellenic religions.
  • ck2 holy fury glitch coat of arms

    The 867 start is still based on ownership of The Old Gods

    ck2 holy fury glitch coat of arms ck2 holy fury glitch coat of arms

    Pagans are playable even without The Old Gods.Expanded the Pagan Reformation system, letting the reformer choose from a variety of different features in order to create a religion more reflective of their playstyle or role-playing.Added Kill List for all characters, tracking who they are known to have killed.Added a Strong Claim Duel decision, which allows tribal characters to duel for titles they have a Strong Claim to.Added temporary warpaint and permanent tattoo visuals for Warrior Lodge members.Added tiered-scar system with randomized portrait visuals.

    ck2 holy fury glitch coat of arms

    Members of a Warrior Lodge may enjoy the benefit of increased Martial, Personal Combat Skill, and more!.Join rowdy pagan societies, such as the Wolf Warriors, the Followers of Otso, and others.Added Random World system, where the world is initially populated by various randomly generated realms, with randomly generated cultures, religions, and dejure structures.Added Shattered World system, where the world is initially populated by small realms, with a large variety of configuration options, including randomized cultures, religions, and dejure kingdoms and empires.It was released alongside the Holy Fury expansion.

    Ck2 holy fury glitch coat of arms